Techniques et technologies : conservation et restauration des oeuvres d'art > Approfondi/Spécialisé Professeur : Broers Nico

Connaissance de techniques d’analyse et de recherche, leur principe, leur fonctionnement ainsi que l’initiation à l’interprétation des résultats.
Connaissances des matériaux et techniques modernes utilisés en restauration d’œuvres d’art.

- Description des méthodes d’analyse modernes utilisées dans l’analyse des œuvres d’art (XRF, RAMAN, FTIR, …) : description des techniques, mode de fonctionnement, domaine d’application, analyse des données (cours théorique).
- Mise en pratique des méthodes d’analyse, lecture et interprétation des résultats (cours théorique et workshop).
- Introduction aux techniques et matériaux contemporains utilisés en conservation et restauration (cours théorique et workshop).

L’apprentissage théorique se base à la fois sur une approche générale (ouvrages de référence) et d'approches spécifiques en fonction de cas d’études rencontrés ou d’interventions ponctuelles. L’application de la théorie se fera à travers de divers workshop.

Berger, Gustav A., and William H. Russel. Conservation of Paintings. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2000.
Berns, Roy S., and Etienne René De la Rie. "The Effect of the Refractive Index of a Varnish on the Appearance of Oil Paintings." Studies in Conservation 48, no. 4 (2003): 251-62.
Bucklow, Spike. "Cleaning Theories: Traditional and Modern." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 18, no. 1 (2004): 38-50.
De la Rie, Etienne René. "An Investigation of the Photochemical Stability of Films of the Urea-Aldehyde Resins Laropal A81 and Laropal A101." Paper presented at the ICOM 13th Triennial Meeting, Rio de Janeiro 2002.
Derrick, Michele R., Dusan Stulik, and James M. Landry, eds. Infrared Spectroscopy in Conservation Science. Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute, Scientific Tools for Conservation. Los Angeles, 1999.
Dorge, V., ed. Solvent Gels for the Cleaning of Works of Art, the Residue Question., Reasearch in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2004.
Feller, Robert L., Nathan Stolow, and Elizabeth H.Jones. On Picture Varnishes and Their Solvents. Washington: National Gallery of Art, 1985.
Hackney, Stephen. Painitng on Canvas: Lining and Alternatives Tate UK, 2004 [cited. Available from
Hilfrich, Uwe, and Ulrich Weser. "The Cleaning of Varnish Coated Paint Surfaces by Ammonium Citrate." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 17 (2003): 85-94.
Horrie, C.V. Materials for Conservation: Organic Consolidants, Adhesives and Coatings. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Mills, John S., and Raymond White. The Organic Chemestry of Museum Objects. Edited by Andrew Oddy. 2nd ed, Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.
Montcrieff, Anne, and Graham Weaver. Science for Conservators: An Introduction to Materials. Edited by Jonathan Ashley-Smith and Helen Wilks. 3 vols. Vol. 1, Conservation Science Teaching Series. London,New York: The Conservation Unit of the Museums & Galleries Commission, 2000.
Montcrieff, Anne, and Graham Weaver. Science for Conservators: Cleaning. Edited by Jonathan Ashley-Smith and Helen Wilks. 3 vols. Vol. 2, Conservation Science Teaching Series. London, New York: The Conservation Unit of the Museums & Galleries Commission, 2000.
Newey, Charles, Ruth Boff, Vincent Daniels, Michael Pascoe, and Norman Tennant. Science for Conservators: Adhesives and Coatings. Edited by Jonathan Ashley-Smith and Helen Wilks. 3 vols. Vol. 3, Conservation Science Teaching Series. London, New York: The Conservation Unit of the Museums & Galleris Commission, 1999.
Perry, Roy. "Problems of Dirt Acumulation and Its Removal from Unvarnished Paintings: A Practical Review." Paper presented at the Dirt and Pictures Separates 1990.
Phenix, Alan. "Artist's and Conservation Varnishes: An Historical Overview." Paper presented at the Varnishing: theory & practice. Association of British picture restorers fiftieth anniversary conference, September 1993, United Kingdom 1993.
Phenix, Alan, and Aviva Burnstock. "The Deposition of Dirt: A Review of the Literature, with Scanning Electron Microscope Studies of Dirt on Selected Paintings." Paper presented at the Dirt and pictures sepatated, London 1990.
Samet, Wendy. Varnishes and Surface Coatings. Vol. 1, Painting Conservation Catalog. Washington DC: The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1998.
Sonoda, Naoko, and Rioux Jean-Paul. "Identification Des Materiaux Synthetiques Dans Les Peintures Modernes. 1, Vernis Et Liants Polymeres." Studies in Conservation 35 (1990): 189-204.
Thomson, Garry. "Some Picture Varnishes." Studies in Conservation 03 (1957): 64-79.
Wolbers, Richard. Cleaning Painted Surfaces: Aqueous Methods. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2000.

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